Monday 25 May 2009


Music in the cantina

In Dexter's Diner, go through the Episode 1 door. To the left you will see something that looks similar to a jukebox. Use The Force on it and it will play the cantina music for fifteen seconds. You will have to repeat this if you want to play the music again.

Defeating Darth Maul Quicker

At the beginning of the level in free play mode with Jar Jar Binks, you can jump up to the floating broken bridge, thus ending the shooting by the Battle Droids, and automatically depleting Darth Maul's health, and lowering the bridge to be put together.

Defeating Anakin Skywalker quicker

When you fight Anakin in Episode III, insert a second controller but do not use it. It is easier to defeat him this way, but make sure to keep him on the platform.

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