Sunday 24 May 2009


Disco Dancing On Kamino

Explore every room in the level "Discovery on Kamino." You will come upon a somewhat dark room with two or three Kaminoans in it, a blue stud behind a forcefield, a square on the floor made of several round spots, and what appear to be speakers on the wall.

1) Use the Force to transform the speakers into what look like record players.

2) Walk onto one of the round spots on the floor, and wait for the other character to move onto another spot (or have the second player move the other character onto it if you're not playing alone). Then you are together standing on two different spots, other spots will light up.

3) Each time more spots light up, walk onto one of the remaining pale spots, allowing time for your partner character to do the same. Eventualy, all of the spots will be lit.
When all of the spots are lit, disco lights will begin to flash, a funky rendition of the Star Wars theme will play, and the Kaminoans will begin to get down and groove!

Musical Chairs

In the very beginning of the mission 'Negotiations' (first mission in Episode 1), you start off in a room next to a table with chairs around it. If you use your force on any of the chairs, they will start moving around and a song will start playing.

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