Monday 25 May 2009




What do the extras do?

Extra Toggle = 30,000 studs - In free play mode, you can switch to extra characters who are found in the current chapter.

Fertilizer = 10,000 studs - Large animals can defecate (by pressing the Use Button when riding

Disguise = 10,000 - Put on a stupid disguise.

Daisy Chains = 5,000 - Grapples look like strings of flowers

Chewbacca Carrying C-3PO = 10,000 studs - Chewbacca has C-3PO strapped onto his back

Tow Death Star = 5,000 studs - The bombs in the vehicle levels look like the Death Star.

Power Brick 01: Super Blasters = 30,000 studs - The strength of blasters is doubled.

Power Brick 02: Fast Force = 25,000 studs - The force works more quickly

Power Brick 03: Super Lightsabers = 26,000 studs - The strength of lightsabers is doubled.

Power Brick 04: Tractor Beam = 40,000 studs - In the vehicle levels, the players' vehicles automatically drag in and then destroy nearby enemies.

Power Brick 05: Invincibility = 900,000 studs The players' characters are immortal and they don't lose studs if they fall into a pit.

Power Brick 06: Score x2 = 2,000,000 studs - The studs earned are multiplied by 2.

Power Brick 07: Self Destruct = 20,000 studs - The droids can blow themselves up (by pressing the Use Button)

Power Brick 08: Fast Build = 40,000 studs - Building works more quickly.

Power Brick 09: Score x4 = 6,000,000 studs - The studs earned are multiplied by 4.

Power Brick 10: Regenerate Hearts = 290,000 studs - The players' characters automatically refill their hearts as they keep moving.

Power Brick 11: Minikit Detector = 500,000 studs - The locations of minikits are marked by arrows.

Power Brick 12: Score x6 = 12,000,000 - The studs earned are multiplied by 6.

Power Brick 13: Super Zapper = 15,000 studs - Electric zappers and probes kill droids (instead of stunning them).

Power Brick 14: Bounty Hunter Rockets = 75,000 studs - Bounty hunters with jetpacks can fire a missile (by pressing the Tag Button).

Power Brick 15: Score x8 = 20,000,000 studs - The studs earned are multiplied by 8.

Power Brick 16: Super Ewok Catapult = 50,000 studs - Ewoks shoot thermal detonators (instead of their regular shots).

Power Brick 17: Infinite Torpedoes = 90,000 studs - In the vehicle levels, the players' vehicles always have the maximum amount of torpedoes.

Power Brick 18: Score x10 = 30,000,000 studs - The studs earned are multiplied by 10.


Unfortunately there arent so many cheats in this game as there are in the others so theses are the cheats i found.

TTT289 - Ewok
UCK868 - Beach Trooper
UGN694 - Ugnaught
UUB319 - Lobot
VAP664 - Imperial Shuttle Pilot
VHY832 - Bespin Guard
WTY721 - Bib Fortuna
YDV451 - Sandtrooper
YWM840 - Han Solo (Hood)
YZF999 -Gamorrean Guard
NYU989 - Snow Trooper
BEN917 - Ben Kenobi (Ghost)
HLP221 - Boba Fett
BNC332 - Death Star Trooper
HHY382 - The Emperor
NFX582 - Gonk Droid
SMG219 - Grand Moff Tarkin
PRJ821 - Greedo
NXL973 - IG-88
MMM111 - Imperial Guard
BBV889 - Imperial Officer
CVT125 - Imperial Spy
JAW499 - Jawa
SGE549 - Palace Guard
CYG336 - Rebel Pilot
EKU849 - Rebel Trooper (Hoth)
GBU888 - Skiff Guard
HDY739 - TIE Fighter
NNZ316 - TIE Fighter Pilot
QYA828 - TIE Interceptor
NAH118 - Tusken Raider
TYH319 - Beard
CL4U5H - Santa hat & clothes
NBP398 - Big red nose


Music in the cantina

In Dexter's Diner, go through the Episode 1 door. To the left you will see something that looks similar to a jukebox. Use The Force on it and it will play the cantina music for fifteen seconds. You will have to repeat this if you want to play the music again.

Defeating Darth Maul Quicker

At the beginning of the level in free play mode with Jar Jar Binks, you can jump up to the floating broken bridge, thus ending the shooting by the Battle Droids, and automatically depleting Darth Maul's health, and lowering the bridge to be put together.

Defeating Anakin Skywalker quicker

When you fight Anakin in Episode III, insert a second controller but do not use it. It is easier to defeat him this way, but make sure to keep him on the platform.


Get Lots Of Studs

1. Play Episode I: The Phantom Menace, Chapter 6: Darth Maul in Story mode or Free Play mode.

2. Get to near the end of the chapter when you are taking down the red force fields. Finish the last force field, but do not follow Darth Maul. Instead, run back the way you came until you are in the previous room.

3. Then, return to the force field room. Darth Maul will be in his first position, but all of the force fields are still down. You cannot hurt him; ignore him. Even though the force fields are down, the switches have reset. Hit all the switches again to gain more studs. You can get at least 6,000 to 7,000 studs with each pass. Repeat process as many times as desired.

Getting Studs Easily

1. After completing each level, do not continue. Instead, leave the diner and break all "trash cans" by the doors outside. You can sometimes get a few thousand studs.

2.Additionally, in the Discovery On Kamino level, if you encounter the broom where you had R4 to open the gate, use the Force on it. Money will come out. If you follow it around the entire room, money will still appear. This is useful when trying to get perfect studs.

Blue Studs Treasure

1. Unlock the hidden "Episode IV: A New Hope" (through the '?' door) level and play until you reach the first split in the path.

2. Battle through the rebel guards down the right hallway and enter the door. There you should find a group of yellow, blue, green, and red blocks laying scattered on the floor.

3. Using a Jedi or Sith, utilize the Force so that you build an "L" with the yellow blocks, an "E" with the blue blocks, a "G" with the green blocks, and an "O" with the red blocks. If done correctly, at least a dozen blue studs (worth 1,000 each) will fall from the ceiling. Collect as many as you can before they fade away.

Sunday 24 May 2009


Codes to unlock items and characters at Dexters Diner

U63B2A - Gonk Droid
R840JU - PK Droid
KF999A - Battle Droid (Security)
987UYR - Battle Droid
EN11K5 - Battle Droid (Commander)
DH382U - Droideka
PP43JX - Royal Guard
92UJ7D - Padme
H35TUX - Darth Maul
F8B4L6 - Clone
19D7NB - Geonosian
LK42U6 - Battle Droid (Geonosis)
XZNR21 - Super Battle Droid
PL47NH - Jango Fett
LA811Y - Boba Fett
A725X4 - Luminara
DP55MV - Ki-Adi Mundi
CBR954 - Kit Fisto
EUW862 - Shaak Ti
14PGMN - Count Dooku
ZTY392 - Grievous' Bodyguard
SF321Y - General Grievous
ER33JN - Clone Ep III
BHU72T - Clone Ep III, Pilot
N3T6P8 - Clone Ep III, Swamp
RS6E25 - Clone Ep III, Walker
MS952L - Mace Windu - Ep III
VR832U - Disguised Clone
A32CAM - Darth Sidious
L54YUK - Rebel Trooper
BEQ82H - Princess Leia
NR37W1 - Silly Blasters
L449HD - Classic Blasters
IG72X4 - Big Blasters
SHRUB1 - Brushes
PUCEAT - Tea cups
LD116B - Minikit detector
RP924W - Moustaches
YD77GC - Purple Lightsabers
MS999Q - Silhouettes
4PR28U - Invincibility


How to make a jedi santa

Go to the Character Customizer and create the proper costume. Use a human head, the appropriate red clothing...and don't forget the red cap! Santa can wield the weapon of your choice -- I recommend the green or red lightsaber to seasonally complement his shiny red duds. (Remember, the color of his lightsaber decides whether his Force powers are naughty or nice.)
In the Extras menu, activate 'Disguise 3'.

You will need the following codes to unlock santas bears and clothes

CL4U5H - or Santa hat and red clothes
TYH319 - for white beard (In Extras)

Stud Fountain

Once you complete the jedi meter for free play and story and collect all the minikits for every single level you can go outside of the cantina and build a fountain with all the bricks you have collected and when you have done this you have your very own stud fountain that spits out over 100,000!